

CA Renounced
Network ethereum
100% in circulation

How to buy $DOLLY

1: Download MetaMask or trust wallet from the App Store or Google play for free, desktop users, download the Google chrome extension by going to

2: get some ethereum eth in your wallet to switch to $DOLLY.

3: go to or click on “buy now” button from the top corner of the dolly’s official website and swap eth for dolly

4: Taxes are zero and is no need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although may be necessary of some slippage during times of market volatility!

Dolly token has no association with the original figure or any affiliation with the ones related to the true experiment!

This token is simple made to pay homage to the first cloned sheep and a meme that we all gonna remember and love.

$DOLLY IS A MEMECOIN WITH NO INTRINSIC VALUE OR EXPECTATION OF FINANCIAL RETURN. There is no formal team or a concise roadmap, the coin is for entertainment purposes only

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